Home > Projects > commercial > George Place

George Place

Scope of Works

The project scope grew greatly as the project progressed and the final scope encompassed the below.

  • Isolation and Demolition
  • General Lighting
  • General Power
  • Cable containment system
  • Decorative Lighting
  • Feature Lighting
  • Main Switch Room augmentation
  • MSB`s replacement
  • Replacement of existing rising mains
  • Installation of new rising mains
  • Design, supply and install a new externally located electrical riser.
  • Installation of a New 800KVA Generator
  • New tenancy services
  • Monitored Emergency Lighting system
  • C-Bus lighting control system
  • Generator and ATS control system

Job Description

This project had quite a few very challenging aspects to it that grew as the project grew. The scope of the project expanded greatly throughout the course of the project and the ongoing design/approval process was one of the most challenging items we needed to resolve.

The final product is an amazing entry/atrium space for the 345 and 363 building entries for the general public. This is an amazing visual space that combines old with new to a 5-star premium level.

As with most jobs all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears are hidden behind a pretty façade. The work undertaken behind the façade to facilitate the finished services is second to none. We had a dedicated team who went above and beyond to provide the client with a fantastic product.

We were constantly designing, re-designing, adjusting our work practices and having to think outside the box and find creative solutions to provide the requested works to the design intent, construction constraints and program deadlines.

There really was no easy part of the project as undertaking major refurbishment works in a trading building puts a lot of constraints on the work process. We mitigated this as much as possible by putting a lot of time and effort into planning and sequencing the works to maximise our output with the least amount of disruption to the client and tenants.

When we came across an issue, we looked at it as many ways as we could and came up with the best solution for the problem. For instance, we made the decision to make all the feature wall and atrium ceiling feature lighting onsite as the approval/program timeline would not allow for the conventional supply and installation process. Having this flexibility is a real asset to our business and clients.

It was a long hard project but a very rewarding with scope additions and challenges that came with it. The Builder FDC was great to work with and their site team also went above and beyond what would normally be expected.

The final outcome is a credit to all who worked on it.

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