Home > Projects > education > University of Notre Dame’s Hawkesbury Clinical School

University of Notre Dame’s Hawkesbury Clinical School

Project Description:

The School, part of The University of Notre Dame Australia’s School of Medicine and School of Nursing, provides multidisciplinary training facilities, residential accommodation for both nursing and medical students on short term clinical placements, as well as teaching facilities and offices for staff and students. The School has been operating since January 2010 within the Hawkesbury District Health Service building. This new home was built on a greenfield site adjacent to its current location in Windsor, NSW.

For the team at Kerfoot the project included New incoming power and fibre optic cabling, Main switch board and power distribution system backed up by a generator system, Lighting and lighting control fire smoke EWIS and security services connecting back in to the hospitals existing system and a new communications network to service these training and teaching facility’s.

This project was completed as a design and construct with the team at Kerfoot working with the School to design and complete an electrical installation that would meet there ever expanding needs.

Project Accolade:

Throughout the project Kerfoot worked closely with the client and key stake holders to ensure all of their needs were met and the project has been a huge success. It’s a credit to the team at Kerfoot and the design that has been installed has been highly praised by the client and the students using these facility’s each day.

The projects new power distribution was to be fed off the Hawkesbury hospitals power network and this meant that to power this new facility a complete shutdown of the hospitals substation was under taken. The shutdown was completed within the hospitals busiest time and with no major disruption to the client and its patients.

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