Project Description:
Kerfoot were engaged directly by Fairfield City Council to provide a new site MSB for the existing Leisure Centre and the new Water Park adjacent. The initial time frame for delivery of the project was 12 weeks with the new MSB being located in a new switch room. Upon our first site meeting the completion date was requested for 8 weeks due to the Mayors request for revised trading dates. The other complication to this project was the fact the new Main Switch Room had not yet been designed or constructed. This made it impossible to complete the project to the current design in the required time. Kerfoot proposed a solution to provide a Custom made externally rated MSB that would house all the required services including a custom made culvert/pit for the MSB to sit on. The culvert would provide access for all future connections from the new Water Park. This solution was possible within the tight time frame. Kerfoot worked closely with Fairfield City Council on the revised requirements and design and came to a good working solution.
Kerfoot had the workshop drawings submitted, approved and the MSB & Culvert under construction within 2 weeks. The existing substation was being replaced by Connect and Kerfoot needed to have our works complete and ready before this changeover. Kerfoot had our material procurement and installation programmed down to the day. We started the excavation on a Monday morning at the culvert position with the culvert being dropped into the hole midday Monday. We completed the in ground pit and duct system from the Site MSB to the Substation and the existing centre in the first week. The second week we installed the consumer mains and submains and terminated all dead ends ready for the changeover. We had all of our works completed with 1 week spare before the shutdown.
The shutdown went exactly as planned and we had our changeover works completed and tested prior to the new substation being energized.
Project Accolade:
This project turned into a critical path item for the council and the water park opening from the first meeting. It is a credit to the Kerfoot team to be able to identify early issues within this project and provide a workable and turnkey solution in the tight time frame allowed. It is also a good reflection on our relationship with our suppliers and their commitment to Kerfoot.
This was a tight, tough project given the time frame and planning / procurement required but once again our teams dedication, commitment and attention to detail delivered this project within all expectations.